Day 25 - 20/01/2010
well, since its my first ever blog, i aint making it easy for certain readers to find me. :p i think they can vouch and say that my blog's pretty secluded. haha! wonder why there are no searchings about my blog. hehe. that's good! make certain ppl do some work instead of lazing down for a change. hehe. its really amusing watching them search high and low for this blog. i had a time of my life laughing at their search antics. :D
i have a complain bout blogging though. it takes a really long time to upload picts. then again, i think that its my internet connection that's screwing everything up. haha. aiyo, was pretty frust trying to upload picts! haha.
hmmm, nothing much really interesting happened at work today. my supervisor was on leave, and the other engineers had no work for me coz they were rushing their projects. so i went and did my report bout my industrial training. haha. my 3000 word limit report became 4000 words, goodness i'm quite long winded! and i havent even finished my report yet. haha.
i've no picts bout today, but i have nice picts bout yesterday. :D went to have earthquake with shyan yesterday coz it was a tues! and swensens is having a 50 percent off thing. and earthquake was huge!! there was like 8 scoops of ice cream... *drools*
i'm all for the chocolate flavor one! which shyan finished and didnt leave any for me. i dun like him! he stole my chocolate ice cream! :( haha.
i felt like a real glutton after dat. and i'm so lazy to exercise.... >.< someone's sure gonna scold me after this.. oh no...
But i'm one satisfied lady after that, that's for sure! :D don't ya agree? hehe..
he looks pretty satisfied too right? hehe.. :p
thanks to shyan i get to experience the earthquake for the first time in my entire life! hehe..
-End of Day 25-
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