It's the New Year's Eve! Gong Xi Gong Xi! haha. spent the whole day helping my mum in preparation with the chn reunion dinner had at my house. there was alot of ppl, 18 ppl in total. haha. my living room was super super cramped! part of the ppl at my hse da other day:
Part of my cousinhood and aunts
So we had to make alot alot of food! haha. lol. alot as in ALOT. we had abalone with mushroom, salted chicken, duck, beef rendang, taufu, veggie, soup, fruits.. haha. i had to help out with the cutting of the cucumbers and carrots. see! i do the cooking too ok? hehe.. and nope, they dun look funny, neither did i poison anybody.. :p
my eldest cousin is a real poser. whenever a camera points at him, he keeps going like peace! dat is sooooooooooo immature.. and he's already 22 this year! goodness. hehe. :D
didnt get to take many picts coz was helping out. and i wasnt in the picts coz i'm the camera woman. hehe. managed to take one pict here with us inside. :) the last two ppl on the right is not my cousins. they're joan's friends, and they're really nice. haha.
well, i guess this was all wat happens during the new year eve. had a good reunion dinner. :) made loads of jokes and i keep 'banging' my older cousin coz he keeps insulting us. haha. lol. but i have to admit, when he massages, he's really good. :p hehe. he gives a really good back rub... hehe. played monkey in the garden with everyone. lol. and uno stacko. my house dun really have dat many games.. i noe, i'm a real boring person.. haha.
so i guess this would be the last night in my own house before i fly off. i'm gonna savour every moment for in 24 hours time, i would be on the plane to melbourne. so watch out for my most probably final post tomorrow!
-End of Day 1-
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