welcome to the month of february! the month of chinese new year, valentines day, and my departure date! oh no.. in a way, i'm pretty excited about leaving abroad, but at the same time, sad to leave the known back here in malaysia. guess i'm pretty secure in where my place in, in malaysia. but when i leave to go aussie, i guess it would be a different story all together. new experience in a new world.
i'm thankful to have good friends who stand by me, my honey who supports me all the way from birmingham, and definitely my family who'd always been around me all the time. well, as the days dwindle down, my time in malaysia decreases, so we should appreciate every moment back here.

and so i did. appreciate malaysia by eating mamak food. :) went murni's with a bunch of s4 ppl today. four of us went, cass, crystle, shyan and me. haha. and we're all very smart and ordered 4 dishes. the portions were HUGE. until even shyan can't finish everything.
we called this dish nasi goreng chicken chop which had fried rice, chicken chop, egg and chips. then, roti hawaii with pineapples inside, roti naga which doesnt really look like a dragon to me, and carbonara neopolition. yes, it was alot of food. haha. some more, the rest of them had starbucks before hand. it was alright, but i was pretty tired already after work. so i wasn't really energetic. had fun though. :)
cass and crystle in starbucks
having an intimate moment. :)

oh, at murnis already. haha.

i just ordered milo ais, healthier right? hehe.
-End of Day 13-
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