Day 2 - 12/01/20102 days down. haha. time passes so fast.. there is only two more days before i'm flying off. so i guess it's time to finish packing. i was too enthusiastic in packing, until i tore my pants!! goodness me.. is my bum dat fat??? haha.. look!!

from the front view, like nothing much right?
look at the back!!!! oh my goodness.. look at the extend of the damage..
so yea... packed my stuff ady.. my bag weighs bout 35kg.. goodness me, wat in the world did i pack until weigh so much? haha. i think my text books takes up like half of the weight. haha.
lalala.. :)
oh, i packed my pillow too.. hehe.. :D made my luggage so fat only.. haha..i guess i'm done with packing ady.. :) waiting for the flight day now. hehe. till then! 2 days more! hehe..
-End of Day 2-
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