Day 5 - 09/02/10
almost the last day of work, hang in there. was touching up my report, and finishing the last few stuff. haha. the good news is, my report is done! phew.. haha. i managed to cut it down to bout 3.6k words, so yup! just need to print it out in colour. haha. will do it in awhile i guess. :)
went out at night with cass, crystle and shyan. its like a farewell thing before i went off. lol. not too long more, it's only 5 days left. haha. we met up at pyramid, and ended up in front of starbucks deciding wat to eat, as usual. haha.
well, yup. we ended up in papa johns. yay! :D i get to eat my hawaiian pizza. hehe. and obviously, we took some photos. Enjoy! :)
my hawaiian pizza! yummy!
The girls. :)
Nice pict, guess who's the photographer? :p
cass: talk to the hand!
oh yea, i promised some photos bout my dress right? hehe. well, ya did say dat ya like it.. ;p no? hehe. it think it hugs my curves nicely. right?? :)
sorry, my mirror is a little dirty..
yes, dat's me! :) like the colours? hehe.
yes i noe, i look pretty tired right? dats probably coz i was tired. haha. but i had a good day though, so it all cancels out. :)
-End of Day 5-
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