Day 11 - 03/02/2010
Had a very pissing off morning today. guess what? i came in to work today, half an hour late. perfect right? i reached my workplace at 9.30. hish. maybe it was my fault, i left the house at about 8.15. so tomorrow, i better wake up early so won't be late for work. haha. so embarrassing ya noe walking into work half an hour late. lol.
Haha. I get to play with AutoCad, and finished my PFD. it looks very professional now. haha. look at my PFD! from the first draft, to the final version. i feel so proud now. hehe. i feel like a real chemical engineer already (so perasan like dat). haha.
tadaa! my very own work. hehe.
PFD Draft 1, Handdrawn
finally i mastered the use of AutoCad. hehe. not mastered, but at least i know some commands.
went lunching at mamak this morn. ms goh was so excited coz she got to eat her papadam. haha. i had lamb curry, like i always did. oh and papadam too. hehe.
i went dinnering at mamak at night too with shyan and mandy. wow. i had been eating loads of mamak food. haha. mandy was so excited that she got to eat her cheese naan! hehe. she was super hyper the whole time. it's my first time trying out cheese naan, and here it goes:
me and mandy at steven's corner
my cheese naan!
what's with guys and eggs?
shyan's eggs and nasi goreng
mandy and her cheese naan! plus teh limau panas. :p
oh my goodness, it was so cheesy! yum! hehe. i havent had anything so cheesy for such a long time. hehe. i thought one cheese naan won't be filling, but boy, i was so super full the whole night! and i was really satisfied. hehe.
hey, i wouldnt be having malaysian food for a very long time. so yea, i should eat my share before going off right? hehe.
alright alright, i'll exercise it all off. *grumbles*
-End of Day 11-
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